Possibly it’s a term that you have heard amongst the office or in conversation with a client, but today we wanted to clarify what WASI, otherwise known as Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, is and when it is required.
The intelligence quotient (IQ) of the WAIS is most widely used as a psychological assessment to test the innate potential and intelligence of adolescence aged 16 and up and into adulthood. This comprehensive assessment is designed to assess a person’s neurocognitive condition; however, it is essential to remember when measuring intelligence as a performance variable that it does not matter how much intelligence an individual has to adapt to the environment. Instead, what matters is how well the individual can use their intelligence.
WAIS is often used for diagnostic purposes, with the IQ component used to diagnose attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a spectrum of learning difficulties, and other potential psychological disorders. A professional clinical practitioner must conduct the test and will observe the clients’ responses to various tasks that include performance and verbal components.
The WAIS is a common gold standard psychological assessment that our team confidently performs with new and existing clients regularly, so you can be sure when referring a client that this is an area, we express great expertise.
For more information, contact our team on 0481 092 861, or submit your referral here.