Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) is designed to provide positive tailored strategies that target and support challenging behaviours. This framework defines challenging behaviours as behaviour that puts the individual or those around them (family, friends, or support workers) at risk or limit’s the individual’s quality of life. Often behaviours affect the individual in engaging in everyday activities and may include but are not limited to non-compliance, aggression, self-harm, and fight responses.
At Arise Allied Health our dedicated practitioners have worked with many clients that display difficult and complex behaviours, therefore you can place your trust in them knowing that you will receive the right support to meet your needs.
Individualised strategies are implemented to promote PBS and may include preventative and reactive strategies that are in response to the person’s needs. Our practitioners may attempt to reduce and eliminate the behaviour and or the use of any restrictive practices. It is not just about behaviour management, but about helping the client develop new skills, and the ability to communicate and manage emotions which will help negate challenging behaviours.
Behaviour support focuses on evidence-based strategies and person-centred supports that address the needs of the person with a disability and the underlying causes of behaviours of concern while safeguarding the dignity and quality of life of people with disability who require specialist behaviour support.
How is Positive Behaviour Support funded?
Generally, individuals that display such a diagnosis have an underlying disability and can often gain funding for support through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). We will require a copy of the NDIS plan to assist with the PBS service.
What is the difference between psychology and behaviour support services?
Behaviour support services look very different from ongoing psychology sessions. Psychology often looks at scheduled frequent sessions with a psychologist in the office, home, or school, where PBS is scheduled around the flexibility of the client’s carer, family, and other support services to gather specific information about the behaviours of concerns. PBS is a more intensive and specialised support service aimed at developing a thorough behavioural assessment. This information gathered will inform a Behaviour Assessment Report which will identify the function of behaviours and outline the relevant recommendations for future intervention. As a result, a Behaviour Support Plan will be developed which incorporates these recommendations for the family, carers, and or implementing providers.
The PBS practitioner will continue to support the family and carers to monitor and reviewing the effectiveness of the plan.
For more information, contact our team on 0481 092 861, or submit your referral here.